Friday, April 11, 2008

A complaining letter to CNN: racist Jack Cafferty

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am writing this letter to complain Mr. Jack Cafferty’s comments about Chinese people on April 9, 2008. “I think they're basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they've been for the last 50 years.” This is his original words. It was so rude that I could not believe I heard such terribly and totally disgusting racist’s words. CNN as one of the main stream media reporters of America hired such a racist and broadcasted his words in the program “THE SITUATION ROOM”. I am wondering why. I respect freedom of news report. However, the racist’s words have nothing to do withit and never should be tolerated in this country.

I realize this program is sponsored by some companies. I will contact with them to express my deep concern and also I will tell all my friends to do this. Mr. Jack Cafferty DOES NOT deserve one cent to broadcast shit like this.

I am waiting for CNN’s response for my complaint. I do not think Mr. Jack Cafferty is a good or bad analyst. He just does not deserve any program before giving an apology to Chinese people in this country,in this small world!

Best regards,

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